Ad-Vantage Portal
Helping get ads in front of readers for over 15 years
The Ad-Vantage™ Portal give you the ability to provide constant information to your clients and let’s them know whats going on with their orders while you are busy working.
Ad-Vantage can automatically send your electronic Tearsheets that you have received along with the Invoice for orders or straight to our Ad-Vantage Portal where they can log in and pick their Tearsheets up anytime.
Ad-Vantage Portal currently has 2 levels of service. Level 1 allows the Client (your Agencies) to log in and view their Quotes, Live Orders, Completed Orders, electronic Tearsheets, Invoices and Statements.
Level 2 provides an additional option called “Request-a-Quote” This will allow the client to select the newspapers that they want an ad in and send it to you as a quote request. The request flows into Ad-Vantage as a web quote. You receive an email telling you it is ready for you to see. You review the quote and make any necessary changes and then send it to the client. you can allow, if you choose, to even see the rates and build their own quotes with dollar amounts .
3 Physicians Park
Frankfort, KY, United States
(502) 223-1136
Mon-Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed