is simply that, It brings Ad-Vantage to you no matter where you are.
Ad-Vantage Anywhere is a hosted solution that makes Ad-Vantage available to you with any web browser and remote desktop client. PC, MAC, Android can all access Ad-Vantage Anywhere.
Tracking Add-0n
The Ad-Vantage™ Tracking Add-On simplifies the tracking of signed Insertion Orders, Position Requests and the receiving of Tearsheets with ease.
Networks Add-On
The Ad-Vantage™ Tracking Add-On simplifies the tracking of signed Insertion Orders, Position Requests and the receiving of Tearsheets with ease.
Ad-Vantage Portal
The Ad-Vantage™ Portal give you the ability to provide constant information to your clients and let’s them know whats going on with their orders while you are busy working.
We’ve helped others increase their profit margins. Now let us help you. Schedule your demo today?